Ownership and Regulation
- There are many organisations who own many different newspapers. Here a few examples;
The Independent backed a Conservative/Lib Dem coalition- Owned by Evgeny Levedev via Independent Print Limited (he also owns Evening Standard Ltd.)
The Daily Mail backed Conservative/Lib Dem - Owned by Viscount Rothemere via DMG Media
The Telegraph backed the Conservatives- Owned by The Barclay Brothers via The Telegraph Media Group
The Sun/ The Times both backed The Conservatives- Owned by Rupert Murdoch via News Corps UK
The Guardian backed Labour- Owned by the Scott Trust Limited
The mirror backed Labour- Owned by Trinity Mirror
The Express/ The Star backed UKIP- Owned by Richard Desmond through Northern and Shell
Local companies own regional newspapers such as The Leicester Mercury. This fits Hesmondhalgh's theory on how cultural industries must branch out to cover the costs in other outlets that may not gone too well.
Ownership is something to be concerned about as media industries follow the normal capitalist pattern of increasing concentration of ownership in fewer and fewer hands. This is referencing to Curran and Seatons theory of ownership.
Also the news is still controlled by powerful organisations. Taken directly from the theory, 'The internet does not represent a rupture with the past in that it does not offer a level playing field for diverse voices to be heard. It is constrained by nationalism and state censorship.' This shows how certain things are overlooked due to what news is allowed to publish.
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